Sensory Evaluation
We Offer Full Sensory Evaluation Services, As Well As Fieldwork. We Design Approaches That Will Best Meet Your Needs. Get In Touch With Our Team Today!
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We provide product diagnostics on how products deliver relative to consumers’ expectations. This is particularly important for new product development (NPD), where products need to deliver (or exceed) concept expectations. We pinpoint areas where products are performing and any areas that need refinement.

Our team excels in designing approaches that will best meet our clients’ needs. These include CLTs (central location tests), in-home use tests to measure the functionality of products, hybrid sensory and qualitative approaches, and targeted user panels.

We offer full sensory evaluation services, as well as fieldwork only.

Sensory Evaluation Service

We work with consumers to run extensive sensory evaluation testing of your products so we can identify ways to enhance and optimise them to appeal better to your target consumers before launch. Our service involves using techniques such as taste testing, in-home testing, and field testing to uncover how your consumers perceive your products—especially when compared to their expectations.

Depending on the unique characteristics of your products, we can test them in conjunction with competitor products and multiple versions of your product to get a thorough understanding of how your products perform with real consumers. Our sensory evaluation service has helped countless clients to reduce risk before committing to a full product rollout.

Taste Testing

Taste is one of the most important characteristics that determine the success of new products in the marketplace. If you don’t get the taste profile of your products right, you will fundamentally reduce your chances of succeeding as consumers are very discerning when it comes to taste. We can run extensive taste testing of your new products to identify consumer reactions and possible areas of improvement and refinement during the product development process. Our clients have gained significant market share after the launch of their new products by incorporating the feedback gained from our taste-testing process.

In Home Use Test

In-home use testing is the best way to be able to measure how your product will likely perform in the market once launched. We take your product and give it to a range of real consumers in your target market and then measure how the product is received by them over a substantial period. We then correlate our findings so you can use them to make improvements before a full market rollout.

We worked with Meadow Fresh to determine the potential for their new authentic Greek Yoghurt product in the NZ market. We ran both a CLT study to determine the optimal diagnostics for the range and supplemented it with an IHUT add-on. This provided further information on how the products performed across a range of occasions within the homes of our in-home use testing participants.

At the end of our test, we were able to provide guidance on optimising the complete go-to-market bundle—the sensory delivery for each variant, the range of flavours to launch, optimal pricing, the most appealing packaging, and the preferred sub-brand name. To date, it was one of the most successful product launches we have been involved with.


We can take your products out into the market to carry out extensive sensory evaluation and taste testing with buyers in your target market. Using innovative market research techniques, we can discern the consumer’s reaction to your product relative to their expectations. We then correlate our findings to provide you with in-depth yet actionable insights that you can use to improve your products.
To convert sensory evaluation testing into actionable insights…