Our Services
We Provide Full Service Research, Develop Bespoke Approaches And Unique Ways To Interact With Target Consumers. Explore Our Services!
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Our Services

'Out of Box' agile tool

Consumer product testing is key to innovation or when making ingredient or manufacturing changes. However, sensory research is often out of reach for small to medium sized (SME) businesses or brands with small budgets. We’ve reached out to our SME clients and their response was uniform – how can we provide a fast, accurate and cost-effective tool for consumer sensory feedback?

Sensory evaluation

We provide product diagnostics on how products deliver relative to consumers’ expectations. This is particularly important for NPD, where products need to deliver (or exceed) on concept expectations. We pinpoint areas where products are performing and any areas that need refinement.
We design approaches that will best meet our clients’ needs. These include CLTs (central location tests) in our sensory facility or off-site, in-home use tests to measure the functionality of products, hybrid sensory and qualitative approaches, and targeted user panels.

We offer full sensory evaluation services, as well as fieldwork only.

Concept Screening

Our validated proprietary Imagine Matrix delivers a more realistic estimate of trial than traditional approaches. The IMAGINE database includes over 4,000 FMCG norms across Australia and New Zealand for points of comparison. Our approach is predictive, provides volumetric estimates based on what-if scenarios. We also provide TURF analysis for optimisation and activation. We offer customised data analytics and data warehousing to help development in the future and provide internal norms.

NPD optimisation

We work with our clients to optimise the complete product bundle for NPD success. We look at key touchpoints that consumers interact with as part of the total product bundle.

We provide direction on comms, products, claims and packaging to ensure they meet consumers’ needs. In this way, we help optimise the full experience and ensure that all elements are in harmony.

Product renovation

We can work with product development teams to ensure that any value engineering doesn’t compromise on what matters most to consumers.

As margins become tighter in FMCG, it makes sense to look at the core range and understand if products can be redesigned to maximise value. There may be aspects that are over engineered and could be refined without alienating consumers.

We work with consumers to understand what aspects of products they enjoy and value. We then identify areas for PD Teams where margins can be improved without trading consumers’ enjoyment.

Qualitative research

Great strategy starts with understanding consumers’ lives, their pain points and aspirations. Our qualitative research provides direction and ‘aha moments’ that inform tactics for future growth.

We use bespoke approaches to help uncover consumer truths. This includes accompanied shops, focus groups and in-depth interviews. We also run consumer immersion workshops with marketing and product development teams, to help them understand consumers’ lives and design products that meet those needs.