Our Concept Screening Service Will Help You Validate Your Product Ideas. We Offer Customised Solutions To Help Development In The Future. Get In Touch Today!
Our extensive database can provide market research benchmarks for your product and service concept screening. We dive deeper into your data, meaning your decisions are based on the most comprehensive information available.
Our validated proprietary ‘Imagine Matrix’ delivers a more realistic estimate of trial than traditional approaches to product research. The IMAGINE database includes over 4,000 FMCG norms across Australia and New Zealand for points of comparison. Our approach is predictive, providing volumetric estimates based on what-if scenarios to ensure you receive research that helps you make better business decisions.
Concept Testing
Succeeding in the market hinges on knowing which great ideas to bring to the forefront. Our Concept Testing highlights which particular opportunities will drive your business forward. We do this by utilising tried and true traditional Concept Testing techniques, and we apply neuroscience and our expert knowledge on motivational research to round out the testing process. Because we are focused on comprehensive consumer engagement, we can pinpoint exactly what the market wants, zeroing in on the ideas and products that are going to fly the highest, and relaying ways you can really connect with potential growth.
TURF Analysis
At Imagine Research, our TURF Analysis team works with you on your budding ideas and your new product concepts to discover which of your options have the most reach. We turn your limitations into opportunities, by applying our analytic power to the dynamic market research insights uncovered with our Concept Screening & Testing tools. We can help you drive your business to grow by combining our knowledge with your great ideas. Get on the inside track with branding innovation and market analysis that delivers real insight.